Resources to 'Live For'
Current Blog Entries
PCRM Blog; Barnard Medical Center
McDougall Health/Medical Center
Trusted Organizations (Dr. Neal Barnard)
Nutrition Facts (Dr. Michael Greger)
McDougall Health/Medical Center
Cntr for Nutrition Sci (T. Colin Campbell)
Prevent/Reverse Heart Dis. (Dr. Esselstyn)
Plantrician Project (Dr. Scott Stoll)
Lifestyle Medicine (Dr. Dean Ornish)
Esteem Dynamics (Dr. Doug Lisle)
Moving Med Forward (Dr. Michael Klaper)
Evidence-Based Nutrition Science Doctors/Medical Professionals
Neal Barnard - PCRM, Wash. D. C.
John McDougall - Santa Rosa, CA
T. Colin Campbell - Cornell, NY
Caldwell Esselstyn - Cleveland Clinic
Michael Klaper - Santa Rosa, CA
Alan Goldhamer- Santa Rosa, CA
Matt Lederman / Alona Pulde - LA, CA
Ginny Messina / Jack Norris, Davis, CA
Julieanna Hever - Calabasas, CA
***Will Bulsiewicz - Plant Fed Gut/ SC
***Cyrus Khambatta, PA; Robby Barbaro - FL
Mastering Diabetes!!! Read CHAPTER 3
FREE; scroll to bottom of page and request
this compelling chapter (RE: Insulin
Resistance for reversing T2Diabetes and
Weight Loss)
Whole Food, Plant-Based
Recipe Sites (oil free)
PCRM 21 Day Vegan (free app)
Recipes and Archive
Dr. John and Mary McDougall, recipes
Forks Over Knives, recipes
Nutrition Facts Recipes
Cntr Nut Studies, Plant-Based Diet recipes
Game Changers, recipes
Let's Cook
How to Cook with Less OIL
Where to Dine, Plant-Based
Happy Cow, Veg Dining, VegGuide
Videos - Google search for availability
Forks Over Knives *** - online
What The Health *** - online
Cowspiracy ***
Seaspiracy ***
Food Choices - online
Invisible Vegan - online
Eating Our Way to Extinction - online
Unjunk Yourself * online (3 mins)
Unjunk Yourself, The Process * online (5 mins)
The Natural Effect - online (5 mins)
Mouth Revolution - online (5 mins)
Podcasts to Raise Your Health IQ
Plant Strong - Rip Esselstyn **